Anual Progress Report 2021-2022 is now available.
Visit the Anual Report section to read the 2021-2022 Report. There you may found the main achievements of the MSP activities in the whole Flyway. Several partners from the 13 countries contribute to this effort.
Censan aves en humedales del Noroeste by Benjamín Pacheco/EL VIGÍA (in Spanish), Febrary 23, 2015
Read a recent news article from the Mexican news outlet, El Vigio, highlighing Migratory Shorebird Project work and partners in Mexico .
Wings Across the Americas award given to the Migratory Shorebird Project on behalf of over 100 individual and organization partners,
March 12, 2014
U.S. Forest Service recoginzes the Migratory Shorebird Project for fostering international cooperation among 10 countries to conserve shorebirds in the face of climate change and other environmental threats. Accepted by Dr. Matt Reiter (Point Blue, center) and Dr. Eduardo Palacios (CICESE-Mexico, left).
Protecting Coastal Estuaries by Matt Reiter, PhD, Migratory Shorebird Project Lead. Read Matt’s article in Point Blue’s Winter 2014 quarterly newsletter.
La bahía vuelve a ser área protegida by Mónica Palm, La Prensa, April 5, 2013
Read an article in Spanish from Panama news outlet, La Prensa, about a great shorebird habitat protection success story
Big victory in Panama impacts birds up and down the flyway by Garrison Frost, Audubon’s Audublog, April 8th, 2013
Read about Panama’s habitat protection success in English.
A Note from Matt Reiter about the exciting news in Panama:
“Since 2011 Point Blue Conservation Science has been working closely with Panama Audubon to establish a research and monitoring program for shorebirds in the Upper Bay of Panama which rely on the mangrove wetland backed tidal flats for winter and migration. As part of the Migratory Shorebird Project these surveys will provide essential data to identify conservation priority areas along the rapidly developing coastline of Panama and consequently can help guide climate smart conservation and development. We will continue to provide the needed scientific support to help our international partners mitigate the impacts of rapid environmental change on this important coastal wetland ecosystem.”
Un oasis para playeros migratorios by Tamara Del Moral, La Prensa, February 2, 2013
Read an article in Spanish from Panama news outlet, La Prensa, about the Project
Connecting Communities across the Americas: Shorebirds and Wetlands by Matt Reiter, PhD, Point Blue Conservation Science , PRBO Observer, Fall 2012
Read and share this newsletter article by the Migratory Shorebird Project Committee Chair for a great overview of the project.