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What’s New? 

The Annual Progress Report 2023-2024 is now available

Shorebirds at San Pedro Mangrove, Peru

Shorebirds at San Pedro Mangrove, Peru

In 2023-204 we completed the 13th year of MSP surveys in Canada, the USA, Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, the 10th year in El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, the 8th year in Chile and the 5th year in Guatemala.

Data was collected by more than 750 volunteers, researchers, and local communities, at >360 sites (>2500 survey units).

If you want to read more great news about the MSP activities and results, read the complete Report HERE

Also you could look the version in Spanish AQUÍ

MSP+ Science to Action, the New Grantmaking Program for Shorebirds in America Latina  

Point Blue piloted a fledgling grants program in 2023:  MSP+ Science to Action

A familiar salt farm included good practice to benefits shorbirds in Guatemala.

This program is a new source of funding to support shorebird and wetland conservation in Latin America, and has been built on the foundation of over 13 years of our collaborative science and conservation action network, the Migratory Shorebird Project (MSP).

During the pilot phase of MSP+ in 2023, many of the MSP partners in Latin America submitted conceptual proposals and the MSP+ Program was able to issue five grants. These grants supported activities related to using data to inform conservation actions, a project led by ROC in Chile; the link between shorebirds and good practices in salt ponds in Guatemala and shrimp farms in Nicaragua, projects led by FUNDAECO and Quetzalli in their respective countries; the power of citizen actions supported by SalvaNATURA in El Salvador; and capacity building for local and indigenous leadership in nature management in Bahía de Kino, Mexico, led by Prescott College Kino Bay Center.

If you want to know more about this program, and the launch of the new round please visit

Toolkit to address Human Disturbance on Shorebirds in Latin America

We developed a set of tools designed to address human disturbance on shorebirds and their habitats to promote the recovery of shorebird populations that are declining in the Americas. This toolkit compiles a variety of on-going conservation projects occurring in Latin America, using diverse methodologies that encompass human dimensions.

We gathered information from 28 projects who have developed actions to mitigate these threats in 11 countries across the Americans featuring efforts from Latin America (see interactive map). We documented six success case studies, five in shorebird important sites in Mexico, Canada, Ecuador, and Chile, and one at the level of the Pacific and Atlantic Flyways. We achieved an annotated bibliography for 31 scientific research papers, academic theses, and reports; a tool that synthesizes the main context of each document findings and includes management recommendations from the authors.

This set of tools contributes to the international efforts of the Pacific Shorebird Conservation Initiative and the Migratory Shorebird Project to advance conservation actions and impact mitigation on shorebirds.

Download the Toolkit in the Resources section in the Spanish Version.

If you want to share the Press Release in your organization’s website, or on social networks, download it HERE.

MSP Science

Two new papers were published with analyses using MSP data: 

Winter population trends and environmental drivers for three species of temperate shorebirds. 

Estefanía I. Muñoz-Salas, Eduardo Palacios, Lucía Alfaro, and Matthew E. Reiter, from Centro de Investigación Científica y Educación Superior de Ensenada- CISESE, Terra Peninsular, and Point Blue Conservation Science

An impact evaluation of conservation investments targeting long‐distance migratory species.

© Asociación Calidris

This paper used MSP data at sites in Latin America to characterize the impact of conservation investments at key sites in the region. 

C. Josh Donlan 1,2, Diana Eusse-González 3, Gloria M. Luque 1, Matthew E. Reiter 4, Viviana Ruiz-Gutierrez 2, Michael C. Allen 5, Richard Johnston-González 3, Orin J. Robinson 2, Guillermo Fernández 6, Eduardo Palacios 7, Jorge Valenzuela 8.
1 Advanced Conservation Strategies, 3 Asociación para el Estudio y Conservación de las Aves Acuáticas en Colombia (Calidris), 4 Point Blue Conservation Science, 5 Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources, Rutgers University, 6. Unidad Académica Mazatlán, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 7 Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada – CISESE, 8 Centro de Estudio y Conservación del Patrimonio Natural. 

Partners Trainings

Growing the flock: Training in Honduras on MSP

©Aves Honduras

From November 18 to 21, observers and researchers from Honduras met in Choluteca (Honduras) to strengthen skills for identification, estimation and counting of shorebirds. We also reviewed the field protocol for the Migratory Shorebird Project and visit sites in the Gulf of Fonseca in Honduras where MSP shorebird surveys are carried out.  Finally we shared multiple resources available to support shorebird conservation, research and increase awarness.

This event was organized by Aves Honduras and had the support MSP partners: Fundación para el Ecodesarrollo y la conservación FUNDAECO, Asociación Calidris, Point Blue Conservation Science, and the US Forest Service. The flock is growing!

Become part of the Migratory Shorebird Project

Join this ambitious 10-year, multi-partner research project to help guide shorebird conservation. You will be part of the team protecting shorebirds and wetlands from Alaska to Peru through research for conservation.
We need your help, as a scientist, a volunteer scientist, an educator, or funder.

Data analysis workshop with Migratory Shorebird Project partners  at the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group meeting during October 2019 in Panama City, Panama.

How to Get Involved

Willets and Marbled Godwits.

  • Add your organization to the list of partners.
  • Join forces with a local partner.
  • Volunteer to study shorebirds, attend a training.
  • Share information, sightings, research findings.
  • Educate people about wetland conservation.

The Migration Phenomenon

Each year, millions of shorebirds migrate in waves from their wintering grounds along the Pacific and Caribbean coasts to their nesting grounds in Alaska and Northern Canada, including many that stop at just a few rich feeding spots along the way.

Impact of human disturbance on the abundance of non-breeding shorebirds in a subtropical wetland

In the recent paper from Palacios et al. (2022) MSP data helped to show that where there is more potential for human disturbance there are lower abundances of migratory shorebirds during the non-breeding season. Read more here!

Distribution and abundance of shorebirds in tidal flats of Sanquianga National Natural Park and the mouth of Iscuandé, Nariño (Colombia), between 2009 and 2020

MSP surveys were key to characterize the composition of shorebird communities in the mouth of Iscuandé River (IS) and the Sanquianga National Natural Park (SNNP), in Colombia. The paper show the proportional abundance, prevalence and mean density there, of ten years of standardized counts for these sites. Read more here!

Data in Action

Over the last two years MSP data have contributed to the successful nomination of 3 Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) sites (Golfo de Nicoya in Costa Rica, Canal de Jambeli in Ecuador and Humedal Marino de Chamiza in Chile) and a Ramsar site in Peru (Estuario de Virrila). You can explore the MSP data from these sites and more using our online data summary tools.


Through MSP’s participation in the Pacific Americas Shorebird Conservation Initiative (PASCI), we have seen MSP data now serve as the cornerstone of measuring the success of PASCI while also driving one of its key strategies of increasing capacity. Recently the work of the MSP was highlighted as part of  the PASCI story map – see it  here).