What Partners Are Already Doing
- Coordinating the study of over 1 million shorebirds at more than 2000 sites, in 7 countries, on 2 continents, making this the largest coordinated survey ever of wintering shorebirds on the Pacific Coast of the Americas.
- Using the study to evaluate impacts of habitat loss, pollution, and climate change to shorebirds.
- Suggesting conservation actions to regional and international partners.
- Educating people about the importance of wetlands to people and shorebirds.
- Training volunteers in shorebird research – more than 350 participants so far.
- Raising money to support the work of each partner. Leveraged initial investment to raise $500,000 in additional grants and in-kind support.
All of the countries in the US Forest Service’s Copper River International Migratory Bird Initiative (CRIMBI) partnership have committed to this innovative new project.
To become a partner, contact:
- Canada: David Bradley, Bird Studies Canada: dbradley@birdscanada.org
- USA: Matt Reiter, Migratory Shorebird Project Steering Committee Chair, Point Blue Conservation Science: mreiter@pointblue.org
- Mexico: Eduardo Palacios, Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE) : epalacio@cicese.mx
- Central America: Salvadora Morales, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences: smorales@manomet.org
- South America: Diana Eusse, Asociación Calidris: deusse@calidris.org.co
For general questions, contact Matt Reiter, Migratory Shorebird Project Steering Committee Chair, Point Blue Conservation Science at mreiter@pointblue.org.